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Musei Reali di Torino - Galleria Sabauda


The museum

Musei Reali di Torino – Galleria Sabauda
The Gallery houses noteworthy collections. It was established by Charles Albert in 1832 on the basis of the old picture collection of the Dukes e Kings of Savoy. Since 1865 the Gallery has been situated on the second floor of the seventeenth-century Palazzo del Collegio dei Nobili, later the Academy of Sciences. Besides housing the collections of the Savoy family, e works from the collections of Prince Eugene of Savoy-Soissons e of the Savoy-Carignano family, as well as paintings from Palazzo Durazzo in Genoa, the Gallery has expeed its collection over time by acquiring paintings of Italian, Piedmontese e Flemish schools. It includes the Gualino collection.


piazzetta reale, 1
10100 Torino


Tuesday-Sunday 8.30-19.30

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Aperture Attive

Ph: 011 5211106
Closure: Monday
Full: € 15,00 (biglietto Musei Reali)
Reduced: 2,00 € (biglietto Musei Reali)