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Musei Reali di Torino - Palazzo Reale di Torino


The museum

Musei Reali di Torino – Palazzo Reale di Torino
The Royal Palace is an impressive seventeenth-century building, which has been altered e extended on various occasions down the centuries. It still bears traces of the work of the most important artists active in Turin. Until 1865 it served as the residence of the Dukes of Savoy, the Kings of Sardinia e the Kings of Italy. It is possible to visit the royal apartments, lavishly decorated e furnished from the seventeenth to the twentieth century to the taste of the Savoy sovereigns. Clocks, porcellain, silver e furnishings, some dating back to the seventeenth century, can be seen.


piazzetta reale, 1
10122 Torino


Tuesday-Saturday-Sunday and holidays- 8.30-19.30

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Aperture Attive

Ph: 011 5211106
Closure: Monday
Full: Lunedì: € 10,00 (Palazzo Reale, Armeria e Cappella della Sindone) Martedì-Domenica: € 15,00 (biglietto Musei Reali)
Reduced: 2,00 € (biglietto Musei Reali)