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Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Gioia del Colle

Gioia del Colle

The museum

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Gioia del Colle
The Museo Archeologico Nazionale, opened in 1977 in the Norman-Swabian Castle of Gioia del Colle, exhibit relics from the excavations of the old settlement on Monte Sannace.The castle is one of those Frederician fortifications that better preserved their architectural layout, typically encompassing an ample quadrangular courtyard, massive corner towers and mighty ashlar masonry curtain walls. Perched on a hill, 360 m a.s.l., the castle was erected mainly as a fortress to defend the territory at a crossroads of communication along major roads that linked Bari to Taranto, connecting the Ionian-Taranto region with the Adriatic coast. The building is the product of an architectural and artistic synthesis developed over three periods (pre-Norman, Norman and Swabian), which also includes more recent contributions, i.e. twentieth century restorations, though fortress is mainly Frederician in style.The Museum was estabilished to house the important archaeological discoveries of the 1929 excavations on Monte Sannace, and later on the large  number of artefacts unearthed during the excavations conducted between 1957 and 1961. Over time, the findings from subsequent excavations of local archaeological sites were added to the Museum collection. Excavations continue to this day and have been extended to wider areas.   The archaeological exhibition is dedicated to artefacts belonging to the ancient Peucetian population (7th-2nd centuries BC). The collection consists essentially of vessels recovered from grave excavations and daily use vases discovered in the ancient settlement of Monte Sannace, 5 km from Gioia del Colle, which is currently a state-owned archaeological park open to the public. Grave goods include large earthenware jars decorated with geometric patterns, kantharoi depicting swastic patterns, semicircle pendants and Attic, Ionic and Corinthian vessels, evidence of trade between the indigenous Peucetian population and Greek peoples.In summer, the Castle hosts performances and events, thus becomign a popular cultural and social meeting place for the local community.


piazza dei Martiri del 1799, 1
70023 Gioia del Colle


From Monday to Sunday: 8.30-19.30

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