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Parco Archeologico di Monte Sannace

Gioia del Colle

The Monte Sannace Archaeological Park is home to one of the most important indigenous sites of the pre-Roman Peucetian tribe.Plagued starting in the 19th century by illegal digs and pillaging, the first official archaeological dig in the area was carried out in 1929 by Michele Gervasio. This was followed by research led by the Soprintendenza for Archaeology between 1957 and 1961, headed by Bianca Maria Scarfì, and then again in 1976, in the area of the lower settlement, and in 1978, in the acropolis, by Ettore Maria De Juliis. The University of Bari has had an excavation site set up in the area since 1999.The settlement has offered up archaeological evidence dating across a vast period stretching from the Iron Age to the early Roman Empire. The site flourished between the 6th and 3rd centuries BC, and in particular during the Hellenistic Age. In the second half of the 4th century BC, Monte Sannace was enclosed with defensive walls that divided the settlement between acropolis and town on the plain to the west. The archaeological value of the site is complemented by its landscape, which offers visitors the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the Murge.The section of the ancient city that comprises the Archaeological Park has been the subject of numerous restoration and development projects, leading not only to greater knowledge of its visible monumental remains, but also to the expansion of the parts that can be visited and the creation of special educational materials and public services. Research, restoration, development and promotional activities are on-going. The Park offers visitors two itineraries: one focused on archaeology, the other on landscape. On the first, you can observe the topographical configuration and structural features of the ancient city, while on the second you can enjoy the natural and environmental characteristics overall and discover special beauty spots. Both itineraries start at the Masseria Montanaro, located near the main entrance to the park, and wind through flat and hilly terrain, intersecting and sometimes overlapping.Further information available on the Park website:


Strada Provinciale 61 - Gioia del Colle - Turi Km 4,5
70023 Gioia del Colle


From Wednesday to Sunday: 8.30 - 15.00

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Aperture Attive

Ph: +39 080 3483052
Closure: Monday and Tuesday
Full: 5,00 € (includes visit to Museo Nazionale di Gioia del Colle)
Reduced: 2,00 € (includes visit to Museo Nazionale di Gioia del Colle)