Ministero della Cultura

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Tomba dei Giganti di Coddu Vecchiu



The giants%u2019 tomb Coddu Vecchiu (or Ecchiu), one of the best preserved in this region, is located on a slope in a hilly area. It was built in two stages: during the Middle Bronze Age (c.1600-1400 BC) the exedra was added to a pre-existing megalithic tomb dating from the Early Bronze Age (c.1800-1600 BC), transforming the structure into a giants%u2019 tomb.

The tomb consists of a main semicircular front (exedra) and a burial chamber. The exedra is made of stone slabs stuck vertically into the ground, smaller towards the sides to delimit the ceremonial area; a big stele rises in the middle, the highest found in Sardinia until now (4.40m). It is formed by two superimposed slabs, both decorated with a cornice, and opens on the tomb%u2019s corridor. Each slab is supported by the stonework which connects the exedra to the ancient gallery grave tomb. The rectangular burial chamber is built of granite blocks; a row of blocks on them supports the covering slabs of the tomb.

This monument is pertinent to the nuraghe La Prisgiona, 600m far from here.


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