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Tomba di Giganti Moru



The funeral monuments of Nuragic Sardinia (15th-10th century BC) are represented by megalithic sepultures called %u201Ctombe dei giganti%u201D (literally giants%u2019 tombs). Their dimension attests the magnificence of the architecture in that period. It is supposed that the %u201Ctombe dei giganti%u201D were reserved to important people and their families, or particular groups in the village. The %u201CMoru%u201D tomb has the typical plan of this typology, a rectangular funerary chamber inside an apsed structure with semicircular exedra in the front. The building dates back to the 13th century BC and is the funeral monument pertinent to the not far nuraghe Albucciu. In this tomb the rectangular structure, built of flat slabs, is surrounded by a tumulus of stones. The exedra is built of blocks and small slabs, without the sense of magnificence typical of megalithic sepultures. Considerable is the thickness of the tomb (about 6m). The structure was modified in different periods and was often reused.

Not accessible to disabled people.


07021 Arzachena

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

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Ph: 0789-83401/81066
Full:  € 3,00
Reduced: € 2,50 (gruppi oltre 20 persone e scolaresche) Ingresso gratuito: diversamente abili e loro accompagnatori