Ministero della Cultura

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Ipogeo di San Salvatore


This hypogeum, partly dug into the rock, is inside the 17th- century church dedicated to Christ the Saviour in the homonymous village, an important pilgrimage centre. Frequented from the Middle Neolithic age (4th millennium BC), this site has been considered a sacred place by different cultures over the centuries. A sacred well for water cult was dug in the Nuragic age; in the Punic age this area was dedicated to Sid, the healing god, and afterwards the Romans adopted the cult of Asklepius, attributing healing powers to water. Since the 3rd- 4th century AD the hypogeum has been used as a church. The present site dates back to the last Roman period: the plan, with several small rooms, is centred around a spring water well, set in a round domed room with a skylight on the top. In front of it, an apsed room with two skylights keeps another spring water well and a Nuragic baethyl (sacred stone). In almost every wall, Punic, Greek, Latin and Arab inscriptions are still visible together with paintings dating back to different periods, related to pagan and Christian tradition.   Not accessible to disabled people.


09072 Cabras


9.30-13.00 (da novembre a marzo) 9.30-13.00/15.30-18.00 (da aprile a ottobre)

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Ph: 347 8184069