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Gallerie estensi - Pinacoteca nazionale di Ferrara


The Gallery was established in 1836 as an initiative by the Municipality of Ferrara. The site chosen was the “Piano Nobile” (main floor) of the Palazzo dei Diamanti, which displays for the public many of the great altarpieces from churches which were suppressed by Napoleon as well as paintings purchased from private collections in the city. In 1958 the Art Gallery was acquired by the State and became the National Art Gallery. Gradually added to the original collection were works which were acquired through deposits, donations (Vendeghini-Baldi collection), and purchases by the Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara who placed its collection in the Gallery, so that the public could enjoy the artistic heritage of Ferrara which was acquired on the antiquities market. Since 2004 this commitment was assumed by the Foundation of the Cassa di Risparmio (Carife Foundation) which took over the collection which was formed by the fund.


corso Ercole I d’Este , 21
44121 Ferrara


Tuesday-Sunday 10.00 am-5.30 pm

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Aperture Attive

Ph: +39 059 43957111
Closure: Monday
Full: 6,00 €
Reduced: € 2,00