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Museo nazionale del Paleolitico di Isernia


The National Paleolithic Museum of Isernia is part of an archaeological park project that is built around the field of Isernia La Pineta, given its importance and its antiquity, is considered one of the main pre-historic archaeological sites for understanding the way of life and the dynamics of population in the Mediterranean during Prehistory.The museum is divided into three buildings of about 4,000 square meters connected by a long corridor outside that takes the visitor to the visit thanks to a series of large photographs dedicated to all aspects of research, teaching and site enhancement and the museum.The archaeological area is an integral part of the museum complex thanks to a pavilion, which covers an area of ??approximately 700 square meters, characterized by two seats paths at different heights: the upper one is intended to visits, the lower one dedicated to the researchers that even today, in particularly in the summer months, the work of excavation and study of the material found at the site. Ample attention is given to the findings of "La Pineta" in the exhibition hall dedicated to the same reservoir that houses, in its central part, a great showcase open to the inside of which has been faithfully reconstructed, with suitably restored original finds, a portion of about 65 mq of the archaeological area of ??Isernia La Pineta. In both windows and panels levels complete the journey guiding the visitor to the discovery of the archaeological excavation techniques, documentation, restoration and removal of materials. The path is made even more engaging, also, by the presence of multimedia support with audio and video content ranging from interviews to the discoverer of the visual and selective reconstruction dell'archeosuperficie and artifacts that comprise it.The third room has three sections and exhibits artifacts found on the territory of Molise covering a time span ranging from the lower to the upper Paleolithic Paleolithic, Neolithic Age, the Bronze Age. In order to frame the Molise Prehistory under the current understanding of the evolution of man, the exhibition begins the room along a corridor on whose side there are large panels, in Italian and English, depicting the main steps of ' biological and cultural evolution of man.Completing the exhibition is a faithful reproduction of Elephas antiquus example, large pictorial representations and scenic reconstructions including a typical hut Paleolithic and Bronze Age.To complete the path to the multimedia station "Time Machine" offers visitors the chance to do an interactive virtual journey from prehistory to the present day.


via Ramiera Vecchia, s.n.c.
86170 Isernia


Tuesday-Sunday 8.15 am - 07.15 pm.

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Aperture Attive

Ph: +39 0865 290687
Closure: Monday
Full: 4,00 - Integrated with Museo Santa Maria delle Monache 5,00 €
Reduced: 2,00 €