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Museo nazionale di Villa Guinigi


Today Villa Guinigi houses a Museum of the City and Territory, thanks to one of the richest and most interesting collections of art produced in Lucca by local or foreign artists who worked for both clerical and secular clients. Most of the artworks were originally owned by the Church, but became State property after the unification of Italy. Further loans and acquisitions were added to the collections in the following years.


via della Quarquonia, 4
55100 Lucca


Reservations required from Monday to Saturday tel. +39 0583 496033. The museum is open to the public from Tuesday to Saturday from 12.00 to 19.30 (last entry 18.00).

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Aperture Attive

Ph: +39 0583 496033
Closure: Sunday, Monday and holidays
Full: full 4.00 €. Cumulative National Museums of Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi: full € 6.50 - reduced € 3.25 (valid for three days). Free admission for visitors under the age of 18. Discounts and gratuities in accordance with the law provided for state museums.
Reduced: 2.00 € - Cumulative National Museums of Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi: full € 6.50 - reduced € 3.25 (valid for three days). Free admission for visitors under the age of 18. Discounts and gratuities in accordance with the law provided for state museums.