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Chiesa di San Pietro in Albe

Massa d'Albe

The church, founded in the XII century, stands in the surroundings of the ruins of Alba Fucens, upon the remains of a pagan temple. The ancient chapel was turned into a large building made of a nave and two aisles with apses, reusing columns of previous buildings of the Roman town. The bell-tower was added later on the fa?ade of the church; on the front it has a carved wood portal, one of the few thirteenth-century examples in the Abruzzi. Inside, a comatesque style iconostasis separates the presbytery from the hall reserved to the congregation; the pulpit, built against the columns of the left nave, divides the church lengthwise. The Easter candle results from sections of columns placed one upon another and surmounted by a thirteenth-century capital. The Baroque adjustments and most of the frescoes got destroyed in the earthquake of 1915; a restoration carried out in the Fifties brought the church back to its original Medieval configuration.


Alba Fucens, s.n.c.
67050 Massa d'Albe


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