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MUSE' - Nuovo museo Paludi di Celano - Centro di restauro


The Museum of Prehistory is a multifunctional structure located in the surroundings of the archeological site of Le Paludi; it includes exhibition halls for temporary expositions, restoring and anthropology laboratories, a conference hall and anti-seismic deposits. The collection contains finds dated from the Bronze Age to the Roman times and illustrates the history of the Marsica as from the earliest villages of pile-houses. The archaeological excavations at Le Paludi, carried out between 1985 and 1998, brought to light a settlement dating back to the III millennium B.C. on the shore of Lake Fucino. Here the archaeologists found the bases of the pile-dwellings and a few burial mounds, dated to the Final Bronze Age, where the corpses are kept into hollow trees.


località Paludi
67043 Celano


Tuesday and Thursday 8.30-19.30; Wednesday and Friday 8.30-13.30

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Chiuso temporaneamente (Covid-19)

Ph: +39 0863 790357
Closure: Monday, Saturday and Sunday
Full: free admission