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Palazzo di Teodorico


The so-called Palace of Theodoric is the name given to the remains of a building dating back to the VII and VIII centuries and whose interpretation is uncertain. Currently the most accepted opinion is that the ruin, consisting of a large structure with a doorway above which is a particular window (bifora) which corresponds with the narthex of the church of San Salvatore oad Calchi (the last phase going back to the IX-X century). In any case the construction is located in the ancient Palatina, on the remains of the true palace of Theodoric, and a previous grand construction. There are still remains of interesting fragments of a mosaic pavement found at the site (I-VII century AD).


via di Roma
48121 Ravenna


September-December: Thursdays-Sundays 8.30 am-1.30 pm

Situazione Emergenziale Aperture :

Aperture Attive

Ph: +39 0544 543724
Closure: Monday-tuesday-Wednesday
Full: 2,00 €