Following the special project promoted by MiBACT, many museums with a special autonomy will offer a program of extraordinary night openings during Summer 2016, which includes concerts, drama plays and guided tours, giving visitors a chance to live the places of culture in a charming atmosphere.
Musei Reali di Torino | until 29 September 2016
Following the initiative Reale by night, every Thursday evening the complex of the Musei Reali di Torino (Palazzo Reale, Galleria Sabauda, Museo di Antichità and Giardini Reali) will be open to the public until 10 pm, with an interesting program of cultural activities and events. Info on the website
Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano | until 1 October 2016
Brera by night: every Thursday evening, the Pinacoteca will be open until 10.15 pm (last entrance 9.40 pm). Info on the website
Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola and Museo di Palazzo Reale di Genova | until 1 October 2016
The two main museums of Genoa will be open by night, alternately, once a week, offering a program of thematic guided tours. Info on the website
Musei della Pilotta, Parma | until 29 September 2016
Every Thursday Teatro Farnese, Galleria Nazionale and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma will be open to the public until 10 pm. Reduced-price ticket (€ 5,00) after 2 pm. Info on the website:
Galleria Estense di Modena | until September 2016
On the occasion of the festival The rooms of the Muses. 11 events on Thursday night from May to September 2016, the Gallery opens to the public during the evening with a program of theatre performances, books launches and debates. Full price ticket € 4,00 – Reduced-price ticket € 2,00. Info on the website
Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence | until 27 September 2016
Every Tuesday night, from 7 pm to 10 pm, Uffizi Galleries are open and propose a summer festival of performing arts: Uffizi live. Theatre, dance, music shows will take place inside the Gallery every Tuesday between 7pm and 10pm. Info on the website
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Firenze | until 1 October 2016
Every Thursday the museum will be open until 8 pm (last entrance 7.20 pm).
In addition to this, the festival Summer at Bargello will take place in the courtyard of the museum, with a program of 20 nights of acting and dance with Fondazione Teatro della Toscana, Florence Dance Festival and the Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina. Info on the website
Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino | until 6 October 2016
Every Thursday night Galleria Nazionale delle Marche presents drama performance and the extraordinary opening of the Torricino Nord, which will be open to visitors for the first time. Entrance for groups (15 people max) each 20 minutes, from 7.30 pm with last entrance at 10.30 pm. Info on the website
Reggia di Caserta | until 1 October 2016
Every Saturday the opening time of the Royal Historical Apartments of the Reggia will be extended until 10.30 pm (last entrance 10 pm), entrance ticket € 9,00. During the night openings it will be possible to visit the 18° and 19° centuries Apartments, the “Terrae Motus” collection and the permanent museum section “Drawings & Models”. Info on the website
Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli | until 29 September 2016
Every Thursday night Museo of Capodimonte is open from 7.30 pm until 10.30 pm (last entrance 9.30 pm), entrance ticket € 1,00. It will possible to visit the Rooms of the Royal Apartment, the Farnese Collection and the famous porcelains from Capodimonte. Info on the website
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli | until 29 September 2016
Following the initiative Thursday night at MANN – Arts in the garden between mith and nature, the museum opens to the public from 8 to 11 pm, entrance ticket € 2,00, with guided tours, concerts, events and conferences. Info on the facebook page:
Scavi di Pompei ed Ercolano | until 1 October 2016
The Excavation of Pompeii will be open every Saturday night with guided tours of the Antiquarium, recently restored and reopened after 36 years and multimedia installations about gladiators fights. At Ercolano visitors will be guided in a tour which starts from the Padiglione della Barca (where the ship found on the ancient beach is exposed) and terminates on the Nonio Balbo terrace on the sea. Pompeii and Ercolano are open every Saturday night, from 8 to 11 pm (last entrance 10 pm), entrance ticket € 2,00. Info on the website
Parco archeologico di Paestum | until 11 September 2016
On summer evenings, from Thursday to Sunday, the Park is illuminated at dusk and is open to the public until 12 pm (entrance € 7). During the summer it’s also possible to buy an annual ticket (€ 15) for the access to the archaeological site, the museum and to all the initiatives. Info on the website
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto – MArTA | until 21 September 2016
Every Thursday night, MArTA is open until 11 pm and offers guided tours to discover the “unseen treasures” stored in the Museum’s reserves. Entrance ticket € 7,50. Info on the website
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Reggio Calabria | until 31 October 2016
MaRC Museum opens every Saturday from 8 to 11 pm, offering to the public a new occasion for visiting the famous Bronzi di Riace. Info on the website
See also
European Heritage Days.
Every year, the Italian Ministry for cultural heritage and activities takes part in the European Heritage Days.