Ministero della Cultura

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Culture never stops! Virtual visits to Museums

“Culture never stops!” : it is the new page of the Cultural Heritage Ministry website, which brings together virtual initiatives organized by State-owned cultural sites and the entertainment, music and audiovisual world, in the wake of the Covid-19 emergency.

La cultura non si ferma

Divided into six sections – Museums, Books, Cinema, Music, Education and Theatre – the platform offers a wide range of videos, web content and social initiatives, that can be enjoyed from home so that people do not have to forego contact with art and culture in these difficult circumstances.

In particular many Museums are continuing to display their collections on the net, with virtual tours and anecdotes about the art works and the artists. To keep up to date with the various initiatives, just enter into the Museums section – divided by Regions – and select the content.

It is also possible taking part in the initiatives promoted by MiBACT under the hashtag #iorestoacasa and through the social media profiles @mibact, @museitaliani and those of all the cultural sites.