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OECD and ICOM launch a guide for the enhancement of museums

Helping museums and local authorities to network and do all that is needed to foster the development of territories and also create a social value with culture. The new OECD – ICOM International guide on the enhancement of museums was born with this aim.

The guide was presented in Rome, at the Collegio Romano, on September 26th, by the Undersecretary of State Anna Laura Orrico together with the Director General of Museums, Antonio Lampis, the Vice President of ICOM Italy, Alberto Garlandini, and the Coordinator for Culture, Creative Industries and Local Development of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, Ekaterina Travkina.

“This guide – underlined Orrico – is an extremely valuable tool, because it helps local authorities and museums to relate the best practices necessary to foster the development of a territory and create not only economic value but also social value through culture and cultural sites”.

The guide was curated by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the largest regional security organization in the world having 57 member States from Europe, Central Asia and North America, and by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Its aim is to foster training and creativity, economic and social impacts.

“Today the general awareness on the social role of museums has grown and can still count a lot in terms of impact – pointed out Lampis – The ambition of current legislation is to create an impressive network which in Italy can involve even six thousand museums, from private to military ones. In three years, from 2014 to 2017, the museum revenue has grown by 40 percent; at a time of such growth, it is fundamental to measure the impact.”

The guide and more infos are avaible on and