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Sharing the challenge of Italian Museums. Scenarios and projects of the Museum 3.0

The first technical table on the subject of digital communication in Museums was held on the 3rd of November 2015 and was organised within the scope of the MuD Museo Digitale project. The meeting was attended by the Director-General of Museums, Ugo Soragni, the Italian Digital Champion, Riccardo Luna, the Legal Director of the Ministry of cultural heritage and activities and tourism, Lorenzo Casini, the Director of the ICCU Simonetta Butto’ and Maria Teresa Natale of OTEBAC, the research manager of the Fitzcarraldo foundation and member of Voice of Culture, Alessandro Bollo. Simona Cardinali, Communications manager for Ales and MuDProject manager, presented the results of the MuD work team’s preliminary analysis.

A summary of the morning (video available in Italian):

During the afternoon, there was a workshop on fundraising, audience development and successful digital strategies in the museum sector. The experiences presented show how museums can create strategic digital projects, from Parma, to Venice and Rome, and as far as New York.

Complete video with the interventions that took place in the afternoon (video available in Italian):

#MuD3 the story of the day as seen on the social networks