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A project for the promotion and the integration of the scientific museums in the National museum system

The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism started a collaboration with the National Association for Scientific Museums for the promotion, the development and the integration of the scientific Italian museums inside the National museum system.

Two documents have been developed and subscribed for the realisation of the project, whose aim is:

  • outline a reference framework where to operate;
  • identify partners for sharing actions and goals;
  • trace the guidelines to be followed.

The first one is the Agreement of cooperation between MiBACT and ANMS (Accordo di collaborazione tra il MiBACT e l’ANMS), subscribed by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activites and Tourism, Dario Franceschini, and by the President of the National Association for Scientific Museums (Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici), Fausto Barbagli (Turin, 12 November 2015).  The triennal agreement includes: cultural projects focused on the promotion of protection, conservation and research activities concerning the items kept in the scientific museums, the realisation of a virtual museum  created to facilitate the process of  promotion of a widespread museum and the creation of a system of actions supporting the protection of the cultural and scientific heritage.

The second one, the Implementive Agreement (Accordo attuativo – Ferrara, 3rd of May 2016) has been joined and subscribed also by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and by the National Association of the Italian Municipalities (Associazione Nazionale dei Comuni italiani – ANCI), institutions particularly expert in this museum segment.

The person of the Directorate-General of Museums in charge for the project is Patrizia Micoli.

More information about the Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici are available on the website